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Dealing with 8 Week Old Puppy Nipping

Eight week old puppies are full of energy and curiosity. Unfortunately, they sometimes express their curiosity and excitement in the form of nipping. This nipping can be very unpleasant and even dangerous. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why eight week old puppies nip and provide some tips and tricks to help you stop your puppy from nipping.

Why do 8 Week Old Puppies Nip?

Eight week old puppies are still learning about the world around them. They are teething, which means that they are exploring the world with their mouths. Nipping is a natural behaviour for puppies of this age, as they are using their mouths to explore the world. In addition, puppies may nip as a way of trying to get your attention. This is especially true if they are bored or lonely.

Nipping can also be a way for puppies to test boundaries. This is especially true if they have been given too much freedom or if they are not being taught appropriate behaviour.

How to Stop 8 Week Old Puppy Nipping

Redirect the Nipping

The best way to stop your puppy from nipping is to redirect their behaviour. If your puppy is nipping at your hands or clothing, offer them a toy instead. This will help them understand that nipping is not acceptable and that they can get your attention in a different, more appropriate way.

Provide Mental Stimulation

If your puppy is nipping out of boredom, it is important to provide them with plenty of mental stimulation. This can include interactive toys, puzzle toys, and even training sessions. This will help to keep your puppy's mind occupied and help to prevent them from becoming bored and resorting to nipping.

Keep Your Puppy on a Leash

If your puppy is nipping as a way to test boundaries, it is important to keep them on a leash when they are outside or in the house. This will help to ensure that they stay in a safe area and that they cannot get into any trouble. This will also help to prevent them from nipping at people or items.

Offer Positive Reinforcement

When your puppy does not nip, it is important to offer them positive reinforcement. This can include verbal praise, treats, and even physical affection. This will help to reinforce the fact that not nipping is the preferred behaviour.

Use Deterrents

If your puppy is still nipping, you can use deterrents to help discourage this behaviour. This can include spraying your puppy with a water bottle, making a loud noise, or even holding their mouth shut. It is important to use these deterrents sparingly, as they can be very unpleasant for your puppy.


Nipping is a normal behaviour for eight week old puppies. However, it can be very unpleasant and even dangerous. The best way to stop your puppy from nipping is to redirect their behaviour, provide them with plenty of mental stimulation, keep them on a leash, and offer them positive reinforcement. If these strategies do not work, you can also use deterrents to help discourage the behaviour. With patience and consistency, you can help your puppy learn that nipping is not acceptable.

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