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Holding a Puppy Down to Stop Biting: A Comprehensive Guide

Puppies are naturally curious and playful, but sometimes their biting can be a problem. Holding a puppy down to stop biting can be a difficult and uncomfortable task, but it is an important part of teaching a puppy good behaviour. In this article, we will explore different methods for holding a puppy down to stop biting, as well as other strategies for discouraging a puppy from biting.

Why Do Puppies Bite?

Puppies bite for a variety of reasons. Generally, puppies explore their environment through their mouths, and biting is a natural part of the learning process. Puppies may also bite due to boredom, fear, or aggression. It is important to understand why your puppy is biting in order to address the behaviour effectively.

Holding a Puppy Down to Stop Biting

Holding a puppy down to stop biting is a difficult but important part of teaching a puppy good behaviour. It is important to remember that holding a puppy down to stop biting should not be done as a punishment, but rather as a way to show the puppy that biting is not acceptable behaviour. It is also important to remember that the puppy should never be hurt or scared during the process.

When holding a puppy down to stop biting, it is important to be gentle but firm. Start by holding the puppy firmly but gently on the ground, with one hand on their chest and the other on their back. Hold the puppy down until they stop struggling and remain still. Once they are still, you can release them and give them a treat or verbal praise. It is important to do this consistently every time the puppy bites, so that they learn that biting is not acceptable behaviour.

Other Strategies for Discouraging Biting

In addition to holding a puppy down to stop biting, there are several other strategies that can be used to discourage a puppy from biting. These strategies can be used in conjunction with the holding technique, or as an alternative.

  • Redirect the puppy’s attention – When the puppy starts to bite, distract them by offering them a toy or treat. This will help redirect the puppy’s attention away from biting and towards something more positive.
  • Ignore the behaviour – If the puppy is biting in order to get attention, ignoring the behaviour can be an effective strategy. This means turning away from the puppy and not giving them any attention when they are biting.
  • Provide the puppy with mental stimulation – Boredom can be a cause of biting, so providing the puppy with mental stimulation can help discourage them from biting. This can include playing with toys, going for walks, or engaging in other activities.


Holding a puppy down to stop biting is a difficult but important part of teaching a puppy good behaviour. It is important to remember to be gentle but firm when holding a puppy down to stop biting, and to never hurt or scare the puppy. In addition to this technique, there are several other strategies that can be used to discourage a puppy from biting, such as redirecting their attention, ignoring the behaviour, and providing mental stimulation.

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