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How to Stop Your Puppy Pulling on the Lead

Are you struggling to teach your puppy to walk on the lead? Is your pup constantly pulling and dragging you around? With the right techniques, you can easily teach your puppy to walk calmly and politely on the lead. This article will explore the most effective ways to stop your puppy from pulling on the lead.

1. Start Training Early

It's important to start training your puppy as soon as possible. Puppies learn quickly, so the sooner you start teaching them, the better. If you allow bad behaviours to become habits, it will be harder to train your puppy later on. Make sure you are consistent with the training and reward your puppy when they do something right.

Tip: Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your puppy. Give them treats or verbal praise when they do something correctly.

2. Get the Right Equipment

Having the right equipment is essential for a successful training session. Get a comfortable, adjustable lead for your pup and make sure it is the right size for them. The lead should be long enough for your pup to move around, but not so long that they can wander away from you. You can also get a special harness for your pup which is designed to help stop them from pulling.

Tip: If you are using a regular collar, make sure it is not too tight. A collar that is too tight can cause discomfort and make your puppy pull harder.

3. Change Your Direction

If your puppy starts to pull on the lead, the best thing to do is to change your direction. When your pup pulls, stop walking and turn in the opposite direction. This will confuse your pup and they will stop pulling. You can also try gently tugging on the lead to make your pup stop.

Tip: Use a firm but gentle voice when you are training your pup. Yelling or using harsh tones will only make your pup scared and more likely to pull.

4. Distract Your Puppy

Distracting your puppy can be a great way to stop them from pulling. Bring treats or toys with you on the walk and use them to keep your pup's attention. You can also play games with your pup to keep them distracted. For example, you can try hiding treats around them and let them search for them.

Tip: Make sure you keep the treats and toys away when you are not using them. Otherwise, your pup will become too distracted and start pulling again.

5. Take Frequent Breaks

It's important to take frequent breaks during the walk. Let your pup take a break and sniff around. This will help them relax and reduce their urge to pull. You can also take breaks to reward your pup for good behaviour. Give them a treat or a toy and praise them for walking nicely.

Tip: Make sure you don't give your pup too many treats. Too many treats can make them overweight and unhealthy.

6. Be Patient

Training your puppy to walk on the lead can take some time and patience. Don't expect your pup to learn overnight. It may take weeks or even months before your pup learns to walk without pulling. Be consistent with the training and stay patient.

Tip: Don't give up if your pup is not making progress. Keep practising and eventually, your pup will learn.


Teaching your puppy to walk on the lead can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. With the right techniques, you can easily teach your pup to walk calmly and politely. Start training your puppy early and use the right equipment. Change your direction when your pup starts to pull and use distractions to keep them focused. Take frequent breaks and be patient with your pup. With time and patience, you can successfully train your pup to walk without pulling on the lead.

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