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How to Stop Your Puppy From Eating Poop

Having a puppy can be a lot of fun, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of the most common problems puppy owners face is their puppy’s tendency to eat poop. This can be a difficult behaviour to break, but it is possible with the right strategies. In this article, we’ll discuss the causes of this behaviour, how to stop it, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.

What Causes Puppies to Eat Poop?

There are a few different theories about why puppies eat poop. The most common is that the behaviour is a survival instinct from when puppies were in the wild. In the wild, puppies would eat the feces of their mother or other pack members in order to get nutrients that they weren’t getting from their mother’s milk. This behaviour would help them survive until they were able to hunt for food on their own.

Another theory is that puppies eat poop because they are bored. If your puppy is not getting enough exercise or stimulation, they may turn to eating poop as a way to pass the time. This is why it’s important to give your puppy plenty of physical and mental exercise every day.

How to Stop Your Puppy From Eating Poop

The first step in stopping your puppy from eating poop is to clean up any feces as soon as possible. If your puppy has access to the poop, they will be more likely to eat it. This means you should have a plan in place to pick up the poop in your yard or on walks as soon as it appears.

You should also make sure that your puppy is getting enough exercise and stimulation. This will help keep them from getting bored and looking for something to do. Taking your puppy on regular walks, playing fetch, and providing them with toys can help keep them entertained.

You should also make sure that your puppy is getting enough nutrition. If your puppy is not getting all of the nutrients they need, they may be more likely to eat poop. You can talk to your veterinarian about the best diet for your puppy, as well as any supplements they may need.

Finally, it’s important to be consistent with your puppy. If you catch them in the act of eating poop, you should firmly say “no” and remove the poop. You should also praise them when they don’t eat the poop and reward them with treats. This will help reinforce the behaviour you want them to exhibit.

How to Prevent Your Puppy From Eating Poop

The best way to prevent your puppy from eating poop is to keep them away from it in the first place. This means cleaning up any feces in your yard or on walks as soon as you see it. You should also make sure that your puppy is getting enough exercise and stimulation, and that they are getting the nutrition they need.

You can also use products designed to discourage your puppy from eating poop. These products usually have a bitter or unpleasant taste that makes the poop unappealing to your puppy. You can spray them on the poop or mix them into your puppy’s food.


Eating poop can be a difficult behaviour to break, but it is possible with the right strategies. The key is to clean up the feces as soon as possible, make sure your puppy is getting enough exercise and stimulation, and provide them with the nutrition they need. You can also use products designed to discourage your puppy from eating poop. With patience and consistency, you can stop your puppy from eating poop and keep them healthy.

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