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How to Get Your Puppy to Stop Eating Poop

Puppies eating poop is an unpleasant but common occurrence. Fortunately, it’s possible to break this habit with the right techniques and a bit of patience. This article will discuss the causes of coprophagia, the potential health risks, and the best methods to get your puppy to stop eating poop.

What Causes Coprophagia in Puppies?

Coprophagia, or the consumption of feces, is a natural behavior for many animals. In puppies, it can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a nutrient deficiency, boredom, or stress. Puppies may also be attracted to the taste of the feces, as it can contain the undigested remains of the food they’ve eaten.

It’s important to note that puppies who are still being house trained may be more likely to eat their own feces, as they may not yet understand the concept of proper elimination. If your puppy is still in the process of being house trained, it’s important to be patient and consistent with training methods.

Potential Health Risks of Puppies Eating Poop

Eating feces can present a number of health risks for puppies. Feces can contain bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can cause gastrointestinal upset and other illnesses. Eating the feces of other animals can also lead to the transmission of diseases.

In addition to the potential for illness, puppies who eat feces may be more likely to develop bad habits and indulge in other undesirable behavior.

Preventing Your Puppy From Eating Poop

Clean up after your puppy: The first step in preventing your puppy from eating poop is to keep their living area clean. After your puppy eliminates, promptly clean up the area and dispose of the feces in a sealed bag or container.

Feed a balanced diet: Make sure your puppy is getting the proper nutrition by feeding them a balanced diet. This will help ensure that they’re getting all the nutrients they need, reducing the temptation to eat their own feces.

Provide enough exercise: It’s important to make sure your puppy is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation. This will help keep them from becoming bored or stressed, reducing the likelihood of them engaging in coprophagia.

Use deterrents: If your puppy is still eating poop despite your efforts, you may want to consider using deterrents. Products such as bitter apple sprays and hot sauce can be applied to the feces to make them unappealing to your puppy.

Training Your Puppy Not to Eat Poop

In addition to prevention methods, it’s also important to train your puppy not to eat poop. The following are some of the most effective methods:

  • Positive reinforcement: When your puppy eliminates outside, reward them with treats and praise. This will help them to associate eliminating outside with positive reinforcement.
  • Distraction: If your puppy is sniffing around or attempting to eat their own feces, distract them with a toy or treat. This will help them to redirect their focus away from the feces.
  • Time-outs: If your puppy does manage to eat their own feces, it’s important to intervene. Immediately remove them from the area and put them in a time-out for a few minutes.


Puppies eating poop is an unpleasant but common occurrence. Fortunately, it’s possible to break this habit with the right techniques and a bit of patience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you’ll be able to get your puppy to stop eating poop and keep them healthy and happy.

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