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How to Discourage Dogs from Pooping on Your Lawn

Keeping your lawn free from dog poop can be a challenge. It's unpleasant, unhygienic and can ruin the look of your lawn. Fortunately, there are a few simple methods you can use to discourage dogs from pooping on your lawn. In this article, we'll look at how to discourage dogs from pooping on your lawn, including tips on fencing, pet-proofing, deterrents and more.

Fencing and Pet-Proofing

The simplest solution to the problem of dogs pooping on your lawn is to fence it off. This will prevent the dog from accessing the lawn in the first place. If you don't want to install a fence, you can also pet-proof the area by using barriers such as chicken wire or other materials to keep the dog out.

If you do decide to fence off your lawn, be sure to make it high enough that the dog can't jump over it. You should also make sure the fence is securely attached to the ground, as some dogs are adept at digging underneath fences.


If you don't want to fence off your lawn, or if the dog is already used to pooping on the lawn, you can use deterrents to discourage the dog from pooping in the same spot. The most effective deterrents are those that make the area unpleasant or uncomfortable for the dog, such as a motion-activated sprinkler or a loud noise. You can also use sprays or scents that are unpleasant to dogs, such as citronella or vinegar.

You can also use a motion-activated light, which will startle the dog and make it uncomfortable. You can also use physical deterrents, such as rocks or sticks, to make the area uncomfortable for the dog.


If the dog is already used to pooping on your lawn, you can try to train it to go somewhere else. You can do this by rewarding the dog when it poops in the correct spot and punishing it when it poops in the wrong spot. You can also use verbal commands to tell the dog where to go.

It's important to be consistent when training the dog. If you only punish the dog sometimes, it won't understand what it is doing wrong. You should also be patient, as it may take some time for the dog to learn the new behavior.

Clean Up After Your Dog

If your dog does poop on your lawn, it's important to clean it up right away. Not only will this make the area less attractive to other dogs, but it will also help keep the area hygienic. You should also make sure to dispose of the poop properly, either by throwing it in the trash or flushing it down the toilet.


Keeping your lawn free from dog poop can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. By using fencing and pet-proofing, using deterrents, training your dog and cleaning up after it, you can discourage dogs from pooping on your lawn. With these tips, you can keep your lawn looking its best and keep it free from dog poop.

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